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Bosh simple recipes [hardcover], tasty & healthy and vegetarian 5 2 fast diet 3 books collection set

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Bosh simple recipes [hardcover], tasty & healthy and vegetarian 5 2 fast diet 3 books collection set. Description:- BOSH!: Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. All Plants. The Fastest-Selling Vegan Cookbook Ever Henry Firth and Ian Theasby, creators of the worlds biggest and fastest-growing plant-based platform, BOSH!, are the new faces of the food revolution.In BOSH! The Cookbook, Ian and Henry share over 140 of their favourite go-to breakfasts, crowd-pleasing party pieces, hearty dinners, sumptuous desserts & incredible sharing cocktails.The book is jam-packed with fun, unpretentious and mega satisfying recipes, including Creamy Mac and Greens, Burrito Samosas, the Big Bhaji Burger, the Worlds Best Pesto Lasagne, Satay Sweet Potato BOSH! Bowl, Spanish Beach Churros, Gooey PBJ Brownies and Salted Caramel Chocolate Crunch Tart, all easy enough to be rustled up any night of the week. It’s enough to convince the staunchest of carnivores to give plants a whirl. Tasty & Healthy: F*ck That’s Delicious: Healthier Versions Of Your Fast Food Favourites: Comfort Food, Indian, Pizza, Burgers, Southern Style Chicken, … & More. All Under 300, 400 & 500 Calories Vegetarian 5:2 Fast Diet for Beginners: A Quick Start Guide to Intermittent Fasting, Rapid Weight Loss and a Long Healthy Life A Quick Start Guide to Intermittent Fasting, Rapid Weight Loss and a Long Healthy Life: SINGLE SERVING vegetarian recipes which can be prepped and cooked in 15 minutes helping you to lose those extra pounds and feel great… FAST.Packed with advice, info, delicious recipes & snack inspiration, The Vegetarian 5:2 Fast Diet For Beginners has everything you need to get you inspired and on track with your weight-loss.


Bosh simple recipes [hardcover], tasty & healthy and vegetarian 5 2 fast diet 3 books collection set




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